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Total Eclipse

I drove sixteen hours in bumper to bumper traffic for two minutes of magnificence. I photographed the event from a golf course in Greer, SC. I went with my Canon 5D m3 and 70-200 with a doubler. I debated to shoot video or go with stills images. Resolution was king and I went the still route. I ran my camera through my Mac to make use of Canon Utility's live view. Having a monitor kept my eye away from the camera and eliminated any shake. I used my wireless remote to capture bracketed images. Having worked in the news business, I know an image isn't great if it's late. So, I was able to utilize wifi from the golf course to quickly get my best images online.

In hindsight, next time I would use a second camera to also shoot video. My rig worked well but covering still and video would have been best. Having not shot an eclipse before, I set up a few GoPro cameras to informally capture the sights and sounds. Watching the sky go dark in a wide shot was a fun perspective. My stills are on my company Facebook page.

Bill McKnight

McKnight Creative Media Llc

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Video and Images provided by Bill McKnight 

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